Newly Released Tapes Highlight Congress, FBI Misled Public With ‘Insurrection’ Narrative
The recent release of the first tranche of January 6 tapes corroborate Public’s previous reporting and show that the Democrat-driven narrative of an insurrection was highly misleading. Lawmakers and other political elite, often Democrats, used this narrative to demonize tens of millions of voters, to justify their censorship efforts, and to weaponize the justice system against their political enemies.
It’s true that the tapes show rioters forcefully entering the Capitol, and some scenes on the tapes are not peaceful. It’s also true that Trump’s rhetoric has, at times, been inflammatory and illiberal.
But what the tapes do not show is a coup attempt. Rather, they show many scenes that contradict this narrative, like January Sixers walking calmly down the hallway, Capitol police appearing completely unphased by these supposed insurrectionists, and Capitol police giving the trespassers handshakes.
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