Fact Check Alliance is the international, coordinated effort to affirm the importance of objectivity in a functioning civilization. Mainstream fact-checkers not only censor, but actively undermine a critical role journalists have inherently played for centuries.
Our independent fact-checking institution and international network will not only untangle the web of propaganda created by the Censorship Industrial Complex, but also reaffirm fact-checking as the responsibility of investigative journalists, not government officials or political elites.
The Citizen’s
Independent journalists and free speech advocates around the world understand that fact checking has, in the past, been tied to demands for censorship. Now a growing number of us are seeking to tie fact-checking to demands for greater freedom of speech.
A global, coordinated threat.
Fact-checking has long been a critical and inherent part of journalism. Journalists are natural fact-checkers. Major media organizations employ dedicated fact-checkers to verify the accuracy of reporting. But today, a new class of independent “fact-checking” organizations have appeared with a mission to verify the truthfulness of any and all publicly-consumed content in mainstream, alternative, and social media.
There’s been a steady increase in the number of Americans (55%) who approve of the US government mitigating false content online, even if it means limiting free expression. As internationally coordinated mainstream fact-checking efforts systematically silence dissent, censorship in liberal democracies has become alarmingly normalized.
Censors and fact-checkers actually spread disinformation. Their track record shows they have been wrong on the most important major issues since it was founded and have allowed powerful people and institutions to lie without accountability. Through a vast network of government, academic, private and public actors, mainstream fact-checking efforts actually propagate more disinformation than they prevent.
Mainstream fact-checking efforts intentionally subvert the critical role journalism has played for centuries. Independent journalism plays a vital function to democracy, sustaining the exchange of ideas and public debate, but fact-checkers unfairly target alternative media instead. This is largely because independent voices compete with legacy media for audience and advertisers.
Mainstream fact-checking initiatives characterize valid criticism and viewpoints as misinformation, often through public ridicule and baseless hit-pieces. This approach aims to silence, rather than enliven, debate surrounding the critical issues of our day.
A global, coordinated response
We propose the launch of a counter-fact-checking institution and international network designed to counter the influence, propaganda, and censorship goals of the fact-checking arm of the Censorship Industrial Complex.
We are launching an operation that reclaims what journalism always has been-- verifying and reporting the facts.
We focus on the controversial subjects because these are the topics that demand fact-checking. We remain unafraid to investigate and verify highly contested or complex material that today’s fact-checkers intentionally neglect and omit.
Not every truth can be immediately revealed, and some truths may never be fully known. We are dedicated to honoring objectivity, even if it means we can’t reduce a topic to an easily digestible story.
We’ll zero in on and expose erroneous, misleading, and outright false mainstream narratives and stories, particularly those attached to influence operations.