UK and US Intelligence Falsely Claim Trump Threatens Global Defense Unions
According to an anonymous UK intelligence official interviewed by iNews, “There is a real fear that potential incoming governments in the US and across Europe will look to detach themselves from vital global unions on defense,” sharing “the incoming Government have a head start to commit full support to these organizations and ensure they are maintained.” Another UK source characterized Trump’s potential presidency as “the biggest threat to UK security.” A total of ten anonymous UK and US intelligence interviewed in the article ultimately affirmed “the most ‘obvious’ and ‘pressing’ issues for the Government lurk on the global stage.”
However, Trump has supported an alliance with NATO if members “play fair.” According to Politico interviews with former Trump security and defense officials, Trump “would be unlikely to quit NATO outright.” In previous years, Trump has even argued for the expansion of NATO into the Middle East, where NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Trump “agreed that NATO could contribute more to regional stability and the fight against international terrorism. They also agreed to stay in close contact on the issue.” Trump’s comments regarding “playing fair” with NATO likely refer to his desire for NATO member states to pay “their fair share” of 3% Gross Domestic Product (GDP), rather than leaving the supranational organization entirely.
iNews does not elaborate on the nature of the critical defense partnerships the group of anonymous UK and US defense officials shared, meaning more information is required to ultimately sustain the sorts of relationships both US and UK citizens should support. While evidence continues to emerge ahead of the 2024 election, Trump seemingly supports a NATO alliance in the status quo.